Thursday, March 18, 2010

Hi Friends

Hi friends!!!!!

I had a lot of friends and family members encouraging me to start a blog, so I decided to jump on with all you crazy people and finally start one of my own.

I decided to name it "Coming to You From the Cave" for a couple of reasons:

First my dad calls my bedroom the cave. I don't know where he came up with that name for it, but that is what he calls it.

Second the people at work have labeled our little office the cave. It's a tiny little office probably no bigger than the size of my kitchen. It has 7 computers with big computer charis and a big long work table. When you get 7 of us in there working (which lately has been every Tuesday and Thursday afternoon) it gets really squished. It is also surround by four walls without out any windows. The maintenance people have never figured out the heat/air in the office so it always seems like it is really hot or really cold.

The other day my co-worker had a headache and wanted the lights off while we worked. I joked with her that it really felt like a cave because it was cold, dark, and claustrophobic. We had a good laugh over that one.

Anyways, this should be fun and I'll see how it goes!!!