Thursday, June 24, 2010

Read any good books lately??

Want to know what I do when I've got a lot of free time on my hands????I read a lot of books.

Here is my list of books that I have read in the past couple of months:
1. Eragon: by Christopher Paolini
2. Eldest: by Christopher Paolini
3. Uncle Tom's Cabin: by Harriet Beecher Stowe
4. Roots : by Alex Haley
5. The Chronicles of Narnia Series: by C.S. Lewis
-The Magician's Nephew
-The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe
-The Horse and His Boy
-Prince Caspian
-The Voyage of the Dawn Treader
-The Silver Chair
-The Last Battle

When I was younger I didn't read a lot of science fiction and fantasy books, so it's kind of comical that most of the books I've been reading lately are of that category.

A couple of the 4th graders I was working with last year were reading Eragon and told me to look into it. I was also more curious about it when they told me that it was written by a 15 year old boy. After watching the movie I decided I wanted to read the book and see what the story was really all about. I didn't know if I would really like the book, but when I got into it I really enjoyed it. At the time I was reading the first two books, I didn't know that Christopher Paolini now has a third book in that series. I will have to look into it.

I've had a copy of Uncle Tom's Cabin since I was in high school, but I had never picked it up to read it. You would think that with me having minored in history this is one book that I would have read at least once. (You would be amazed at how many "classics" I have never read) It was a little different than I expected, but a fairly quick read and I enjoyed it.

I read Roots when I was in 9th grade and had a hard time really getting into it and understanding what everything was about. It's a story that follows the life and generations of a slave family from a birth in Africa in 1750 to the story of the author 7 generations later. I still had a hard time getting into and getting through the 700+ pages of this book. I had also forgotten how detailed and gory it gets about certain aspects. (It was "life" for them, but it also made the book extremely hard to get through).

The Chronicles of Narnia have been fun. This is another one where I have seen the movies many times, but have never read the books. When we were little my mom would rewarded with a copy of the movie if we finished the book before we watched it. (And I still think it's funner to use your imagination and picture what the characters and the places look like before the movies put it into your head for you) I guess I do it the other way around now. It's intriguing to see how they chose to portray a book on screen.If any of you have any book suggestions for me I would appreciate them.

Yes, I have quite a few in my own room that I haven't read, but I still love suggestions from people.


  1. My all-time favorite book is "Blue Castle" by L.M. Montgomery. Its a really cute story and I love it.

  2. oh and Little Women is sooooo good!

  3. Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins is pretty good! For science fiction, I recommend anything be Orson Scott Card-especially Enders Game.
